Criminal Record Check

BCBUA is registered with the Province of BC’s Criminal Records Review Program (CRRP) Applicant Based Online Service. It is to facilitate criminal record checks and sharing of completed criminal record checks. Additional information about the CRRP is available on their website at

As a condition of volunteering as an umpire affiliated with the BC Baseball Umpires Association, every member is REQUIRED to have a Criminal Record Check (CRC) done every three (3) years since you will have repetitive access to or contact with our players.

The process of submitting a free online CRC will only cost you a few moments of your time. Please read the options carefully:


If you have NEVER submitted an online CRC request before, then you must do the following:

  1. Go to the link:
  2. Enter access code:  SH9YLZ8THE
  3. Click on the button ‘Request a NEW Criminal Record Check’.


If you HAVE submitted an online CRC request in the past 3 years, as a volunteer with any CRRP participating organization, then you can simply share the result of that check, as follows:

  1. Go to the link:
  2. Enter access code: SH9YLZ8THE
  3. Click on the button ‘Share the result of a Completed Criminal Record Check’.

The results of the criminal record check (clear/not clear) will be sent by email to our Safety Officer. The time to process these checks can take over 30 days. As such, we request that you please take action and process your check as soon as possible.

This is a free and confidential criminal record check service provided to volunteer and non-profit organizations in BC whose volunteers work with children, vulnerable adults or both. Use of the online form will greatly decrease the time required to complete a check and reduce the administrative burden for both volunteer and our league.


To further enhance the protection of children and vulnerable adults, the CRRP will require fingerprints for those of you who share a date of birth and gender with a pardoned sex offender (vulnerable sector check) at no fault of your own, as per the national RCMP policy. These prints will be at BCBUA’s expense – please submit your receipt to the Safety Officer. A fingerprint process can take additional time and as such we encourage all volunteers to start the CRC process as soon as possible.

Failure to complete the application and criminal record check will compromise your membership with BCBUA and may impair your ability to act as an official in minor sports.

Please note that all information from the CRC’s is treated confidentially.

We thank you for not only respecting the CRC process, but also for being an invaluable volunteer for BCBUA. 

Please direct any questions or if you need any further information to: